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Understanding AMH Levels and Their Impact on Fertility

In the realm of reproductive health, Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH) has emerged as a crucial biomarker, providing valuable insights into a woman's ovarian reserve and potential fertility. AMH is a glycoprotein produced by the ovaries, and its levels can offer important information about a woman's reproductive capacity.

What is AMH?

Anti-Müllerian Hormone is a hormone produced by the small, antral follicles in a woman's ovaries. These follicles are essential for egg development and maturation. AMH levels are relatively stable throughout the menstrual cycle, making them a reliable marker for ovarian reserve.

Understanding Ovarian Reserve

Ovarian reserve refers to the quantity and quality of a woman's eggs, indicating her reproductive potential. Women are born with a finite number of eggs, and as they age, both the quantity and quality of these eggs decline. Assessing ovarian reserve, often done through AMH testing, is crucial for understanding fertility potential, planning family building, and managing expectations regarding assisted reproductive technologies (ART).

Low AMH and Its Implications

Low AMH levels can indicate a diminished ovarian reserve, suggesting a reduced number of eggs available for fertilization. This condition can pose challenges for women trying to conceive, as it may affect their ability to produce viable eggs. Several factors can contribute to low AMH, including advanced maternal age, genetic factors, ovarian surgeries, or certain medical conditions.

Impact on Fertility

The relationship between low AMH and fertility is complex and varies from woman to woman. While low AMH levels may suggest a decreased ovarian reserve, they do not provide a complete picture of fertility. Some women with low AMH levels conceive naturally, while others may face difficulties. It is essential to consider other factors, such as overall health, lifestyle, and the presence of any underlying fertility issues.


Low AMH to get pregnant, acupuncture can help. Research update

Acupuncture has been used to treat infertility by improving blood circulation to help follicles develop and increasing the chances of good quality eggs for conception. It can also improve the endometrium, promote ovulation, and reduce pain during egg retrieval. In combination with In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), acupuncture has been shown to improve fertilization rates and reduce uterine artery blood flow impedance in infertile women.

Poor ovarian response (POR) is a predictor of the outcome of IVF. An abnormal ovarian reserve test, such as an AFC of less than 5-7 follicles or AMH of less than 0.5-1.1 ng/ml, indicates poor ovarian response. However, acupuncture can increase clinical pregnancy rates, AMH levels, and the number of retrieved oocytes compared to control groups.

Infertility affects approximately one in six couples worldwide, and IVF is a commonly used treatment method. The success rate of IVF increases with a good response to controlled ovarian stimulation (COS), which can be affected by acupuncture. Acupuncture can improve ovarian function, which can lead to a better response to COS and increase the chances of success with IVF.

In conclusion, acupuncture can help improve the chances of conception by increasing AMH levels and improving ovarian function. While low AMH levels may indicate a reduced ovarian reserve, acupuncture can increase the Antral Follicle Count and improve the quality of eggs, leading to a higher chance of successful conception. Acupuncture can also improve the success rate of IVF by improving ovarian function and response to controlled ovarian stimulation.

Case report: Low AMH, conceived naturally with the help of acupuncture
When you receive the news that your AMH levels are low and that it may not be possible to conceive with your own eggs, it can be disheartening. However, having a low AMH value does not necessarily mean that natural conception is out of the question. It may require more effort on your part than for others. There is a story of a woman who was able to conceive naturally despite having low AMH levels. Although the story is simple, it highlights the determination and hard work she put in under the pressure of uncertainty and limited time.

The 39 years old woman had been trying to conceive for a year without success. After undergoing fertility tests, it was discovered that her AMH levels were extremely low and almost immeasurable. Despite this, she was determined to conceive naturally. She paid close attention to her diet, ensuring that she ate healthily and exercised moderately to maintain good health. By chance, she discovered that acupuncture could aid in fertility and so she began weekly treatments. Through her dedication and belief in herself, she was able to conceive naturally after just six months of acupuncture treatments.



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Dr Maggie Ju Acupuncture Kensington, Notting Hill, Chelsea, Richmond London
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